Anna Paquin measurements, bio, height, weight, shoe and bra size
Anna Paquin has been a New Zealand-Canadian television and film actress for over 20 years. Her credits include the PianoFly Away Homeand X-Men. It was not her intention to pursue a career in acting However, the universe determined that she should. Many of the opportunities she was offered following her first film's success in order to focus on her studies. In 2000, she appeared as Rogue, a powerful mutant from the first X-Menfilms.This performance brought her international fame. She was back as Roguein sequels such as X2 and X-MenThe Final Stand.She made smaller screen appearances as Elaine Goodalin Bury My Heart at Wounded Kneefor her debut Emmynomination. As soon as she started doing TV shows and received an influx of requests. |
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